Hey, the preview image does not seem to be appearing my my recent submission: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=10&SkinID=821

I clicked the "Fix Thumbnails" button but got a server-side error. Is this a problem with the site? Or do I need to resubmit?
on Jun 09, 2003
I see it. And it looks cool. What are you talking about?
on Jun 09, 2003
I see it
on Jun 09, 2003
Everything looks fine to me. For future reference though, the fix thumbnails button doesn't work. You would need to update the skin instead. You don't have to resubmit the skin file though, just the preview image if that's all you want to change.

It's great to see you submitting to WinCustomize, by the way. I'm a fan.
on Jun 09, 2003
That's pretty wierd then, I will take your word for it. Hey MikeB of skinsmith, I am also a fan of your work! Your new Avenger suite is hot! See you around!
on Jun 09, 2003
right click teh preview image, open in new window. when you see the term "stardock" replace it with "wincustomize" same for teh dowbnload link.